Pet Rescue Saga Facebook Game

Pet Rescue Saga Facebook – More than 10 million people already play the Pet Rescue Saga Facebook game.

To connect with Pet Rescue Saga, sign up for Facebook today and start playing for free!

Pet Rescue Saga, from the makers of Candy Crush Saga & Farm Heroes Saga!

Match two or more blocks of the same color to clear the level and save the pets from the evil Pet Snatchers! Moves are limited so plan them carefully. Your puzzle skills will be tested with hours of block busting fun even more than Candy Crush Cheats!

Pet Rescue Saga Facebook

There’s been an unfortunate turn of events following the Puppy’s visit! Join in to help Lady Catalina! The Sunny Fields Villa includes:

Pet Rescue Saga Facebook

-Enjoy episodes ‘Grand Piano Ballroom’ and ‘Moonlight Balcony’! With these NEW LEVELS, there are now more than 4600 levels of fun for you to enjoy 🙂
-More missions, challenges, and surprises!

Currently, Facebook now remains the best possible platform to play lots of instant fun games.
The social platform has continued to develop by offering its users the great feeling of what playing entertaining games can feel like.
There is a large number of top Facebook new games to pick from, depending on your choice and taste.
Be it battle games, puzzle, casual games, sports games, action games, etc, all are categorized and are really cool to make your day.
And right here, we’ll be talking about Playing Pet Rescue Saga.

Level 69


Level 69

In this level you are tasked with bringing four pets to the bottom for rescuing and to earn 20 000 points, except this level is so tricky that you are given six pets to work with, sad but true, you can drop two off the edge and still make it!

imageFor some reason the blocks in this level just dont add up to make great combinations, there is no firecracker to be earnt and about the only good news is there is no limit on the number of moves.

Metal boxes, cages and locked up rocks add a little spice to this already hot curry, the bombs are in glass cases that need smashing before you can use them and it is a good idea (read as ‘great idea, just do it!’) to smash your bombs open before unlocking your rocks..yeah as I discovered doing this in the wrong order can really dampen your fire!


Drop your metal boxes around bombs to destroy them.

If you can try to gather your metal boxes around a bomb that has been broken open, this will help destroy them for once and for all. The other way you may be able to destroy them is to leave them at the top a column and let them get knocked off as the screen scrolls, this can be tricky though as there tends to be something sitting on them just as this is about to happen…or in my case when it happens, I have thrown so many pets off trying to pass this level!

But like all tricky King games it is possible! just aim to create blocks of colour and choose your moves wisely, remember every move has a consequence, figuring out the best way to open up more combinations is ultimately the key to this game. With a little patience, a lot of luck and a great deal of strategy you’ll be able to nut it out!image

Pet rescue saga – it’s a lot more involved than it looks!

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Things that go ‘Boom!’ ~ Pet Rescue Firecrackers

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General Pet Rescue hints and tip

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Negotiating Pet Rescue Saga and Facebook

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Level 27 – Pet Rescue Saga

So Level 27 starts off innocently enough, albeit a little 'Matrix' with the suspended blocks. There are a few handy hint and tips for getting through this stage with the correct number of rescued pets and a decent number of stars to boot! First … [Continue reading]

Level 59 – Pet Rescue Saga

Oh my, this sweet little game has gotten rather interesting lately! What cruel intentions do the King developers have in store for these poor unfortunate pets next? Level 59 is an innocent looking level, the pets actually get a break on this one as … [Continue reading]

Pet Rescue Saga – Level 29

Well judging by the pile of friends I have sprawled over the level 29 marker I'm going to make a judgement call and say its a tricky one. With an objective of clearing 99% of the blocks and earning 16 000 points I'm having flashbacks and remembering … [Continue reading]

Pet Rescue – Level 43

Now don't freak out! Level 43 Looks intimidating but its all bluff, your little fishies will be safe before you know it! The two objectives here are to save four pets (the fish are all you get) and earn a minimum of 24 000 points, peice of cake! … [Continue reading]