Tsiaj Cawm dabneeg Qhov rai xov tooj

Unfortunately you cannot current get Pet Rescue Saga for Windows Phones yet until the developer King brings out a Windows phone version of Pet Rescue Saga.

Txawm li cas los Tsiaj Cawm dabneeg yeej txhawb cov nram qab no kiag li lawm:

Kua pab kiag

Tsiaj Cawm dabneeg txhawb iOS version 4.3.5 los yog tom qab ntawd rau cov nram qab no qauv:

  • iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S thiab iPhone 5
  • iPad 1 & tom qab ntawd qauv
  • iPod kov: 3lawm tiam (thiab tom qab ntawd qauv)

Tsiaj Cawm dabneeg tsis txhawb kaw-tawg iOS pab kiag (iPhone, iPad los yog iPod kov)

Android khoom siv
Tsiaj Cawm dabneeg sau rau tag nrho cov hauv xov tooj ntawd pab kiag uas ua raws li tus nram qab no:

  • Tus kheej ib tug processor ua rau ARMv7 architecture
  • Kev them nyiaj yug OpenGL ES 2.0
  • Kev them nyiaj yug 320×480 daws teeb meem los yog siab dua
  • Khiav rau Android OS 2.2 los yog siab dua.

You can lobby the developer King.com to produce a version of Pet Rescue Saga for Windows Phone.

Hloov tshiab 17th lub kaum hli ntuj 2014: King tau tseem tsis ua ib tug version ntawm Khoom qab zib Crush rau lub qhov rais xov tooj tsis tau thiab peb assumption yog hais tias lawv muaj tsis muaj kev pab them nqi rau qhov chaw nres nkoj lawv portfolio ntawm kev ua si mus rau lub qhov rais platform. Tsis zoo xov xwm rau cov kiv cua..