Pet wokutakula Saga – kungcono okuningi okuhilelekile kunokuba kubukeka!

isithombe“Mina uzochoboza candy nokujikijela amagonandoda emhlabeni, Uma Ngangifuna wokutakula ezifuywayo Ngingathanda amabombo i umpheme” kahle kwaba ukuthi into angikholelwa Ngake kungenzeka wathi. Uma uke waqala King adventure ke ungase ube nomqondo othile oyikho ngoba….nje dont yileyo imibala cheery futhi critters cute Pet Rescue…“Kuyoba mnandi Bathi, sijoyine Bathi! wena omkhulu imidlalo ozokuthanda lokhu” Anakho! kahle yebo kuvela ke kuyajabulisa, e-umlutha 'Angikwazi ngisho ukukhumbula nokuthi ngikhona noma angikho siqu ezifuywayo yangempela manje’ uhlobo indlela!

isithombeSo if you’ve crushed your way through a tonne of candy and defied gravity to prove the aerodynamic aptitude of your Papa Pears and are ready for some more thrilling adventures then please join us on our voyage of discovery through the gnarly world that is home to the pet Rescue Saga. Inhloso umdlalo iwukwenza ngokuphepha phansi ezifuywayo kuya ngezansi kwesikrini ngokufaka eqothula amabhlogo ezinemibala ngaphansi kwazo. Ukusula amabhlogo kumelwe uchofoze ezimbili nofana amabhlogo we nombala ofanayo ngaphezulu elakhelene, amabhlogo amaningi ahlanganyela futhi kusulwe ayanda amaphuzu, futhi lapho ushesha nezilwane zakho abampofu ukufinyelela phansi.

Izinga ngalinye linama ngokuvamile imigomo emibili; atakule inani elithile ezifuywayo futhi amaphuzu inombolo ethile amaphuzu, lula ilungelo! yeah yilokho ngacabanga ekuqaleni kakhulu! Now there are some funky boosters available that are definitely handy in clearing unwanted blocks, kodwa Angisona coiner, akukho, kungakhathaliseki ukuthi ngilibuka ayikho indlela ngangingakwazi bathethelele ukukhokha ukudlala umdlalo futhi izindaba ezinhle Awunayo ukuze, wonke amazinga kukhona okumele izuzwe ngaphandle ukuthenga booster…ungase Nokho kufanele iphendukele encenga abangani bakho izimpilo!


Qaphela ukuba singavumeli ezifuywayo iwe.

Njengoba ususe amabhlogo esibukweni imiqulu phansi, kusiza nobe nguwaphi emabhuloki (noma nezilwane) phezulu esibukweni uma uphelelwa inhlanganisela ukuba ukwakheka liwele ukuwa kwazo, Ukugunda uma amabhlogo engadingeki, not so much when they are essential pets needing rescue. Score enough points in succession however and in some levels you are rewarded with a firecracker that can clear an entire vertical column of blocks, Ukugunda kakhulu ngempela! Pet Rescue Saga kuyinto sendaba omunye umdlalo yamasu kanye nekhono nge ukuqhuma ehloniphekile ambalwa siphoselwe for fun. Ningazivumeli izinhliziyo zenu zibe udikibaliswe isingeniso yami kancane unonya…I am Kuyavunywa wanamathela ngezinga ngobuhlanya nzima ngesikhathi kukhona ukuthi!

What is Pet Rescue Saga?

Pet Rescue Saga is an online, app and facebook game from

Several dogs, cats and birds have been trapped in a burning building, and it is up to you to rescue them! You have fire extinguishers and helicopters to aid you, but your supply is limited!


  1. Click a group of two or more crates of the same colour to remove them. Make large groups to score points.
  2. Try to get the animals out of the crates and down to the ground. You also have a limited number of helicopters.
  3. You get fire extinguishers for making large groups. Use them to put out the fires by clicking them before they spread!