
寵物救援傳奇臉譜 – 超過 10 百萬人有玩 寵物救援傳奇臉譜遊戲.

與Pet Rescue Saga聯繫, 立即註冊Facebook,開始免費玩遊戲!

寵物救援傳奇, 從糖果粉碎傳奇嘅製造商 & 農場英雄傳奇!

匹配兩個或兩個以上相同顏色的塊,以清除水平,並保存寵物從邪惡的寵物搶奪者! 移動係有限嘅,所以要仔細計劃. 你嘅拼圖技能將測試與幾個鐘頭嘅嚿破壞樂趣甚至超過 糖果粉碎作弊!


在小狗和#8217嘅訪問之後,發生不幸嘅轉折! 加入幫助卡塔琳娜夫人! 陽光田野別墅包括:


-享受劇集+#8216;大鋼琴宴會廳’ 和#8216;月光露台+#8217;! 有咗呢啲新水平, 而家有超過 4600 水平嘅樂趣,讓你享受🙂
-更多任務, 挑戰, 同驚喜!

現時, Facebook而家仍然係玩好多即時趣味遊戲嘅最佳平台.
有好多頂級嘅Facebook新遊戲可以挑選, 取決於你嘅選擇同口味.
無論係戰鬥遊戲, 難題, 休閒遊戲, 體育遊戲, 動作遊戲, 等, 所有被分類,真係好酷,使你嘅一日.
就喺呢度, 我哋將談論玩寵物救援傳奇.

Negotiating Pet Rescue Saga and Facebook

圖像So by now you may have figured out that not everyone is a fan of these games, well their loss! Problem is many ‘anti-gamersenjoy a good old whinge but there are ways you can keep your appetite for lives and helping hands happily fed and the wingers happily silenced!

  • Find your allies, send out a shout out status calling upon all fellow gamers, anyone who plays any games on Facebook knows the value of a great mutually beneficial friendship. This is not just limited to Pet Rescue too, any hardcore farmers or candy crushers will be happy to scratch your back in return for a little in return!
  • 圖像圖像Once you have figured out who your real friends are add them all to a smart list. Then every time you post anything Pet Rescue just be sure to select this list as your audience. You can generally choose between public, friends, close friends and any smart lists you may have made. Get familiar with your privacy settings, it can’t do any harm to refresh your settings every now and then anyway!
  • Limit the audience to which the app can post on your behalf, we’ve all seen the results of an app gone wild, sending out requests to complete random friends left right and centre. Go into settings and then into app settings and select ‘only meyou’d be surprised at how much these things post on your behalf, no wonder some people get a little cranky! they really dont need to know everytime you create a firecracker or pass a friend on the leaderboardhonestly I game (a lot) and the apps are even blocked from my news feed.
  • 圖像Speaking of blocking apps it may pay to put out a little status every now and then if you are copping a little negative feedback about how much you post, nothing too dramatic just remind people that they can hit the little ‘Xin the top right corner of any post to ban it from their news feed completely. The scariest thing about facebook is really the number of people who have no idea what they are doing!
  • If you are stuck on a bridge that you need help from your friends to cross and your friends just aren’t getting the desperate pleas for help (you know when its been like a whole hour and you only have two of the three passes) you can always disconnect from facebook and complete the tasks manually. this obviously only works when you are on a device such as a phone.
  • And finally not really a facebook tip but remember that you can have 5 lives on each device you have the game loaded on, so ipad, iPhone, laptop, desktop (parent/partner or childs phone!) 圖像