寵物救援傳奇臉譜 – 超過 10 百萬人有玩 寵物救援傳奇臉譜遊戲.
與Pet Rescue Saga聯繫, 立即註冊Facebook,開始免費玩遊戲!
寵物救援傳奇, 從糖果粉碎傳奇嘅製造商 & 農場英雄傳奇!
匹配兩個或兩個以上相同顏色的塊,以清除水平,並保存寵物從邪惡的寵物搶奪者! 移動係有限嘅,所以要仔細計劃. 你嘅拼圖技能將測試與幾個鐘頭嘅嚿破壞樂趣甚至超過 糖果粉碎作弊!
Pet Rescue Saga幫助, 提示和秘籍
寵物救援傳奇臉譜 – 超過 10 百萬人有玩 寵物救援傳奇臉譜遊戲.
與Pet Rescue Saga聯繫, 立即註冊Facebook,開始免費玩遊戲!
寵物救援傳奇, 從糖果粉碎傳奇嘅製造商 & 農場英雄傳奇!
匹配兩個或兩個以上相同顏色的塊,以清除水平,並保存寵物從邪惡的寵物搶奪者! 移動係有限嘅,所以要仔細計劃. 你嘅拼圖技能將測試與幾個鐘頭嘅嚿破壞樂趣甚至超過 糖果粉碎作弊!
喺呢個關卡中,你嘅任務係將四隻寵物帶到底部進行救援和賺錢 20 000 點, 除了呢個關卡太棘手了,你會得到六隻寵物, 可悲但真實, 你可以把兩個由邊緣掉下嚟,但仍然能成功!
出於某種原因,呢個關卡中嘅方塊加起來並不能形成好好嘅組合, 冇鞭炮可以賺,唯一嘅好消息係移動次數冇限制.
金屬盒, cages and locked up rocks add a little spice to this already hot curry, the bombs are in glass cases that need smashing before you can use them and it is a good idea (read as ‘great idea, just do it!’) to smash your bombs open before unlocking your rocks..yeah as I discovered doing this in the wrong order can really dampen your fire!
If you can try to gather your metal boxes around a bomb that has been broken open, this will help destroy them for once and for all. The other way you may be able to destroy them is to leave them at the top a column and let them get knocked off as the screen scrolls, this can be tricky though as there tends to be something sitting on them just as this is about to happen…or in my case when it happens, I have thrown so many pets off trying to pass this level!
But like all tricky King games it is possible! just aim to create blocks of colour and choose your moves wisely, remember every move has a consequence, figuring out the best way to open up more combinations is ultimately the key to this game. With a little patience, a lot of luck and a great deal of strategy you’ll be able to nut it out!
"I crush candy and throw pears around, If I wanted to rescue pets I'd head to an animal shelter" well that was something I do believe I may have once said. If you've ever embarked upon a King adventure then you may have some idea what you are in … [Continue reading]
One of the most handy tools you have access to in Pet Rescue is the Firecracker, If you look to the bottom right of your screen you will find a little meter that needs to be fed with points, the bigger the combinations the better. Fill this meter by … [Continue reading]
If you've committed to the Pet rescue voyage here are a few hints, tips and tricks to help you along your way! If you want a little love you have to give a little love! - Spending the time to send your friends lives every time you log in (or a … [Continue reading]
So by now you may have figured out that not everyone is a fan of these games, well their loss! Problem is many 'anti-gamers' enjoy a good old whinge but there are ways you can keep your appetite for lives and helping hands happily fed and the wingers … [Continue reading]
So Level 27 starts off innocently enough, albeit a little 'Matrix' with the suspended blocks. There are a few handy hint and tips for getting through this stage with the correct number of rescued pets and a decent number of stars to boot! First … [Continue reading]
Oh my, this sweet little game has gotten rather interesting lately! What cruel intentions do the King developers have in store for these poor unfortunate pets next? 水平 59 is an innocent looking level, the pets actually get a break on this one as … [Continue reading]
Well judging by the pile of friends I have sprawled over the level 29 marker I'm going to make a judgement call and say its a tricky one. With an objective of clearing 99% of the blocks and earning 16 000 points I'm having flashbacks and remembering … [Continue reading]
Now don't freak out! 水平 43 Looks intimidating but its all bluff, your little fishies will be safe before you know it! The two objectives here are to save four pets (the fish are all you get) and earn a minimum of 24 000 點, peice of cake! … [Continue reading]