Qito ni Facebook ni Pet Rescue Saga

Facebook ni Saga veivueti ni Pet – Levu cake mai na 10 milioni na tamata era sa vakayacora oti na Qito ni Facebook ni Pet Rescue Saga.

Me semati ki na Pet Rescue Saga, sainitaka na Facebook nikua ka tekivu qito wale!

Saga ni Veivueti nei Pet, mai vei ira na dautuvatuva ni Candy Crush Saga & Saga ni Tamata Qaqa ni iTeitei!

Vakasotara vata e rua se sivia na buloko ena roka vata ga me samaka na kena ituvaki ka vakabulai ira na luve ni manumanu mai vei ira na manumanu vuka ca Mai vei Ira na Dauveiyavalati ca! E vakaiyalayala ga na toso me rawa ni ra tuvalaka vakamatau kina. Ena vakatovolei na nomu kila vakacakacaka ni kilakila ena veiauwa ni kena vakatovotovotaki na kena marautaki vakalevu cake mai na Lawaki na Joke Jokeliti!

Facebook ni Saga veivueti ni Pet

E a dua na gauna rarawa ni veisiko mai na veisiko nei Puppy’o ira na veisiko mai na#8217;o ya! Curu yani mo vukei Lady Catalina! Na Villa ni Veiqaravi e Sunny e oka kina:

Facebook ni Saga veivueti ni Pet

-Marautaka na iwasewase eso ‘Grand PianoKaquo’ kei na ‘Moonlight Balcony’! Vata kei na ITAGEDE VOU OQO, ena gauna oqo sa sivia na 4600 ivakatagedegede ni marau mo marautaka 🙂
-Levu tale na kaulotu, bolebole, kei na veika e vakidacala!

Ena gauna oqo, Ena gauna oqo sa tu ga kina na Facebook na ka vinaka duadua me qito kina e vuqa na qito lasa totolo.
Sa tomani tikoga na taraicake ni veimaliwai oqo ena nona solia vei ira era vakayagataka na yalo ni kila vakasakiti ni qito veivakamarautaki.
E levu sara na qito vou ni Facebook mo digitaka, vakatau ki na nomu digidigi kei na kena ikanakana.
Me vakayacori mada na qito ni veivaluvaluti, pepa ni kilakila, qito rawarawa, qito ni qito, qito ni cakacaka, kei na so tale, era wasewasei taucoko ka ra batabata me cakava na nomu siga.
Eke saraga, eda na veivosakitaka na Vakatagitaki Pet Rescue Saga.

iVakatagedegede 69


iVakatagedegede 69

Ena ivakatagedegede oqo o sa lesi kina mo kauta mai e va na manumanu ki ra me baleta na vueti ka rawata 20 000 poidi, vakavo ga na ivakatagedegede oqo e dredre sara ka soli vei iko e ono na manumanu mo cakacaka vata kei, rarawa ia dina, e rawa ni o vakalutuma e rua mai na bati ni wai ka se cakava tikoga!

iyaloyaloEna so na vuna era sega ni vakuria kina na buloko ena ivakatagedegede oqo me caka kina na cokovata cecere, e sega ni dua na firecracker me rawati ka baleta ga na itukutuku vinaka o ya ni sega ni yalani na iwiliwili ni ilakolako.

Kato kaukamea, na bai ka lokataki vatu e vakuria e dua na ivakaboi boi vinaka ki na curry katakata oqo, na gasaukuro era tiko ena kisi iloilo ka gadrevi me vakadrukai ni bera ni o vakayagataka ka sa dua na vakasama vinaka (wilika me 'vakasama cecere, cakava ga!') mo dolava na nomu gasaukuro ni bera ni dolavi na nomu vatu.. Io ni'u sa raica ni'u cakava tiko oqo ena kena ivakarau cala ena rawa ni vakamalumalumutaka na nomu bukawaqa!


Biuta wavoki na nomu kato kaukamea na gasaukuro me vakarusa.

Kevaka o rawa ni tovolea mo kumuni vata na nomu kato kaukamea wavokita e dua na gasaukuro sa dola tu, oqo ena vukea me vakarusai ira vakadua ka vakadua. Na sala kadua o na rawa ni vakarusa kina o ya mo biuti ira tu e cake ena dua na kolomu ka laiva me ra tukituki tani me vaka na ivolavivigi ni sikirini, oqo e rawa ni dredre me vaka ga ni dau tiko e dua na ka e dabe toka vei ira me vaka ga ni sa vakarau yaco oqo…se ena noqu kisi ni yaco, Au sa kolotaka e vuqa na manumanu ni'u tovolea tiko me'u lako sivita na ivakatagedegede oqo!

Ia me vaka na qito dredre ni Tui e rawa! saga ga mo bulia na roka ka digitaka vakavuku na nomu toso, nanuma na veitosoyaki kece e tiko na kena revurevu, na kena vakasamataki na sala vinaka duadua me dolavi kina e levu tale na cokovata sa idola ni qito oqo. Ena vosota lailai, levu na kalougata kei na iwalewale levu o na rawa ni nut kina!iyaloyalo

italanoa ni veivueti ni manumanu – e levu cake sara na kena vakaitavi mai na kena irairai!

iyaloyalo“Au dau vakamalumalumutaka na jokeliti ka viritaka wavoki na pear, If I wanted to rescue pets I’d head to an animal shelter io oqori e dua na ka au vakabauta ni'u a rawa ni tukuna ena dua na gauna. If you’ve ever embarked upon a King adventure then you may have some idea what you are in for….just dont be fooled by the cheery colours and cute critters of Pet RescueIt’ll be fun they said, join us they said! you are great at games you’ll love thisha! well yes it turns out it is fun, in an addictive ‘I can’t even remember if I even own real pets anymorekind of way!

iyaloyaloSo if you’ve crushed your way through a tonne of candy and defied gravity to prove the aerodynamic aptitude of your Papa Pears and are ready for some more thrilling adventures then please join us on our voyage of discovery through the gnarly world that is home to the pet Rescue Saga. The aim of the game is to safely bring down pets to the bottom of the screen by clearing the coloured blocks beneath them. To clear the blocks you must click on two or more adjoining blocks of the same colour, the more blocks joined and cleared the higher the points, and the quicker your poor pets reach the bottom.

Each level has generally two objectives; rescue a certain number of pets and score a certain number of points, easy right! yeah that’s what I thought at first too! Now there are some funky boosters available that are definitely handy in clearing unwanted blocks, but i’m not a coiner, no matter how I look at it there is no way I could justify paying to play a game and the good news is you dont have to, all levels are achievable without buying boostersyou may however have to resort to begging your friends for lives!


Be careful not to let pets fall.

As you clear away blocks the screen scrolls down, the trick is any blocks (or pets) at the top of the screen when you run out of combinations to make fall to their demise, handy if they are unwanted blocks, not so much when they are essential pets needing rescue. Score enough points in succession however and in some levels you are rewarded with a firecracker that can clear an entire vertical column of blocks, very handy indeed! Pet Rescue saga is bottom line another game of strategy and skill with a few decent explosions thrown in for fun. Don’t be disheartened by my somewhat cruel introductionI am admittedly stuck on an insanely difficult level at the moment..so there’s that!

Veika e lako tiko ' Boom!’ ~ Pet veivueti Firecrackers

iyaloyaloE dua vei ira na iyaya ni cakacaka yaga duadua o rawa ni curuma ena Pet Rescue o ya na Firecracker, Kevaka o rai ki na boto ni nomu sikirini o na kunea e dua na mita lailai ka gadrevi me vakani ena poidi, na levu cake ni cokovata e vinaka cake. Fill this meter by clearing bricks and a little firecracker appears, this little gem is very valuable, simply point it at the column you need to clear (like the one with the doe eyed puppy on top about to be tipped off) and this column including any metal boxes or glass cases will be destroyed..except for caged or locked bricks, they require unlocking first.


You can align your cracker with the correct column and select the green tick to fire!

The good news is pets apparently love fireworks and quite happily bounce through the explosion and scurry off to the bottom (*note this does not apply in real life, most dogs are severe pyrotechnophobes!). Learning how to create these firecrackers quickly and efficiently and knowing when to use them and when to hang on to them is perhaps one of the major skills of this game!

You dont have to use your Firecracker as soon as it appears, its not going anywhere but just keep in mind that you can only have one at a time, any further points you earn will not be stored in the meter. You can only start earning another cracker once the first one has been set off. Because of this I like to set off my crackers as they appear. If you have a pet suck on a ledge of earth or pipe you can bump him off by placing a firecracker up the column to its left (Don’t ask me why pets dont fall to the right!)

Setting off a cracker is simply a matter of either selecting the green tick, or if you change your mind and want to hang on to it just hit the red ‘X’. Keep in mind that the blocks dont always fall straight down, they have a tendency to cascade into the space, which can often spoil your groove if you are trying to set up some big combinations. If blocks are at the bottom of the board with nothing above them to fill in the space they scoot over (again to the left) and join up with any other remaining blocks . This is very handy to keep in mind especially when you need to clear a certain percentage of blocks out of the way to fulfil your objective.

iDusidusi kei na ivakasala Raraba ni Veivueti ni Pit

iyaloyaloIf you’ve committed to the Pet rescue voyage here are a few hints, vakasama kei na ilawaki me vukei iko ena nomu ilakolako!

  • iyaloyaloKevaka o vinakata e dua na loloma lailai mo solia e dua na loloma lailai! – Vakayagataka na gauna mo vakauta kina na nodra bula na nomu itokani ena veigauna kece o curu kina (or a prompted to do so) is the best way to ensure your own mailbox will be bursting with sanity saving helpful love. Give a little get a little!
  • iyaloyaloDon’t do everything you are told! – its just no fun..but its also relevant in this case, when you open up your pet saga game you are often met with a screen prompting you to send lives, moves or invites to friendsDO NOT send invites, seriously if someone is not playing by now they dont want to be, either that or they live under a rock. Send lives and moves to friends who are already playing, but sending out invites is just advertising for King and it upsets a lot of people, especially those who are not too tech savvy as they usually receive every notification as an email too.
  • iyaloyaloUse your moves! – Unlike Candy Crush and Papa Pear saga any left over moves in Pet Rescue saga don’t get turned into a points bonus when your objectives are completed, once your pets are rescued and your points objective is met that’s the end..thankyou for playing, move right along now! so if you really want to earn those three stars I suggest you work your last pet to the bottom and sit it on top of a fail proof group of blocks that you can clear with your very last move or if you have a firecracker to use you can always go with that.
  • iyaloyaloKnock your blocks off! – Metal boxes are pains in the neck! seriously cheers for that! there are only two ways to remove them from the board to; blow them up or knock them off. Using a bomb you can clear up to four boxes at a time or try to leave them at the top of a column to be tipped off once the screen moves down. There is nothing more frustrating than battling your way to the bottom only to find you have a cute and fluffy perched on a box!

Veivosaki ni veivueti Manumanu Saga kei na Facebook

iyaloyaloIa ena gauna oqo o sa na rairai kila beka ni sega ni tamata kece e dau taleitaka na qito oqo, vinaka na nodra yali! Problem is many ‘anti-gamersenjoy a good old whinge but there are ways you can keep your appetite for lives and helping hands happily fed and the wingers happily silenced!

  • Find your allies, send out a shout out status calling upon all fellow gamers, anyone who plays any games on Facebook knows the value of a great mutually beneficial friendship. This is not just limited to Pet Rescue too, any hardcore farmers or candy crushers will be happy to scratch your back in return for a little in return!
  • iyaloyaloiyaloyaloOnce you have figured out who your real friends are add them all to a smart list. Then every time you post anything Pet Rescue just be sure to select this list as your audience. You can generally choose between public, itokani, close friends and any smart lists you may have made. Get familiar with your privacy settings, it can’t do any harm to refresh your settings every now and then anyway!
  • Limit the audience to which the app can post on your behalf, we’ve all seen the results of an app gone wild, sending out requests to complete random friends left right and centre. Go into settings and then into app settings and select ‘only meyou’d be surprised at how much these things post on your behalf, no wonder some people get a little cranky! they really dont need to know everytime you create a firecracker or pass a friend on the leaderboardhonestly I game (a lot) and the apps are even blocked from my news feed.
  • iyaloyaloSpeaking of blocking apps it may pay to put out a little status every now and then if you are copping a little negative feedback about how much you post, nothing too dramatic just remind people that they can hit the little ‘Xin the top right corner of any post to ban it from their news feed completely. The scariest thing about facebook is really the number of people who have no idea what they are doing!
  • If you are stuck on a bridge that you need help from your friends to cross and your friends just aren’t getting the desperate pleas for help (you know when its been like a whole hour and you only have two of the three passes) you can always disconnect from facebook and complete the tasks manually. this obviously only works when you are on a device such as a phone.
  • And finally not really a facebook tip but remember that you can have 5 lives on each device you have the game loaded on, so ipad, iPhone, laptop, desktop (parent/partner or childs phone!) iyaloyalo

iVakatagedegede 27 – Saga ni Veivueti nei Pet


iVakatagedegede 27

Sa Vakakina na iVakatagedegede 27 tekivu ena sega ni cala, albeit a little ‘Matrixwith the suspended blocks. E tiko e vica na ivakatakilakila kei na vakasama me baleta na kena curuma na ivakatagedegede oqo vata kei na iwiliwili dodonu ni manumanu era vueti kei na iwiliwili vinaka ni kalokalo me boot!

  • First of all its good to know that pets only come down one at a time, dont bother trying to bring down anymore on the other side of the board if your pet is stuck, it just wont work. If your pet is in a pickle try and join blocks around it or aim for some big combos and use a firecracker!
  • Use your balloons wisely! There are quite a few coloured balloons thrown around on this board and they can be very handy. Use them to clear blocks beneath your pet or to join up banks of the same coloured blocks. The only thing better than using one balloon to make some big combos is to use two (different coloursobviously!)
  • iyaloyalo

    Suspended blocks anyone?

  • Keep in mind this level has a limited number of moves, 60 in fact and you have 8 pets to rescue so keep the ‘dilly dallyto a minimum, take care of business first, this is a game not playtime!
  • Firecrackers as always are your friends, if you earn one use it to bring down a pet, not much point in saving it or the ‘rainy daywill be upon you before you realise!
  • Aim to remove all of one colour to score the big points, balloons are handy but not essential to do this. Scoring three stars is nice but keep in mind your priority is the rescue the poor little pets! Just work one column at a time and you will have this done in no time. If you have some moves left over this will add to your score or you can set your pet up then work on scoring some points. Keep you eyes open for multiplier blocks! they can make a big difference to your score particularly if you combine some together!


    Removing all but one colour can make for some big points scoring!

iVakatagedegede 59 – Saga ni Veivueti nei Pet

Isa na noqu, na qito kamica oqo sa taleitaki sara ena dua na gauna lekaleka sa oti! Na inaki veivakalolomataki cava e tu vei ira na Dauveivakatorocaketaki ni Tui me baleta na manumanu rarawa oqo ka tarava? iVakatagedegede 59 e dua na ivakatagedegede ni irairai tawacala, the pets actually get a break on this one as your objective is to clear 85% of the blocks and earn 15 000 poidi, what’s that you say? sounds easyyeah its easyeasily the toughest level yet!


iVakatagedegede 59

So what do we do? well the obvious thing is to take every ounce of luck you can squeeze out of each attempt and run with it! You ideally want to create big combinations, and while this sounds nice and simple the reality is you’re not going to be given big combinations. In fact the amount of combinations you are given at all is pretty pitiful. Every attempt I made (and boy there were many!) never resulted in a single firecracker being produced, very disappointing!

iyaloyaloBut it is afterall possible, you just have to anticipate where your blocks will fall and carefully plan your attack this way. One very handy tip is that you can make combinations above diamonds before they smash. So if you briefly see a combination that will last only until the diamond’s box shatters and it hits the ground then by all means hit it before this happens.

Try and figure out what works best for you, some games I came close working from the top down and others went faster from the bottom up, but the key is how you visualise easiestoh and did I mention luck? (*oh and of you have a couple of spare boosters left over from the freebies you were given at the beginning this may just be the level to crack them out on!)

The most frustrating thing about this level is that it looks so easy! you may need to rely upon blocks joining up once they have hit the bottom, in fact this proved to be a very valuable part of my success! ~ good luck! iyaloyalo

Saga ni Veivueti nei Pet – iVakatagedegede 29


iVakatagedegede 29

Lewai vinaka mai na ibinibini itokani au sa vakaleqa na ivakatagedegede 29 marker I’m going to make a judgement call and say its a tricky one. Ena inaki ni kena vagalalataki 99% ni buloko kei na rawati ni 16 000 points I’m having flashbacks and remembering why this has become a pit stop of some length for so many.

Its not hard, its frustratingly hard!

But If I can do it so can you, its just a matter of forward thinking and figuring out the consequences of our actions (wow I sound like my 10th grade teacher!)


Getting the bomb on the left down to the blocks is your first priority.

First of all Burst all the balloons on the very left until the bomb hits the wire cages, then blow it up! this will give you some headway. Work your way along until you lower the key to the locked up rocks, and release them once the key is free. Try and save your remaining balloons, they will come in handy soon. Once you have unlocked the row of rocks and they spirit off into the ether you may start popping balloons. You’ll notice that bursting a balloon can unlock a few cages at a time, but only by blowing up adjacent blocks, you are not bursting the blocks inside the cages but the ones next to it! Don’t go too silly once you have dropped the screen enough start to break open the cages from below, preserve as many balloons as possiblethey always seem to come in handy, but keep that screen moving down.


Keys unlock bricks

This is not a level where your moves are limited so hit it, but dont forget about your firecrackers, use them wisely and remember that you cannot start earning another until the first one had been set off. If you have one on the board and a whole set up of big combinations ahead maybe just set it off and clear a little more. Remember the screen wont drop down if there are moves and blocks or balloons holding it up.


Having a bomb on the bottom can be very handy!

There are more keys below and firecrackers are perfect for freeing them. Keep your objective in mind as you go, dont find yourself on the bottom of the screen with a licorice all sorts bag of colored blocks left over and thinking ‘where are the pets?’ your aim is to clear 99% of the blocks ….doh! This means you can only have 1 left! Aim to keep colours together and if you can save a bomb for the bottom I assure you this will come in handy, inevitably you will end up with two blocksyeah, did I mention frustrating?


Veivueti ni Manumanu – iVakatagedegede 43


iVakatagedegede 43

Now don’t freak out! iVakatagedegede 43 E vakarerei ia na kena lasu kece, ena taqomaki vinaka na nomu ika lalai ni bera ni o kila! Na rua na inaki eke me maroroi e va na manumanu (na ika ga o rawata) ka rawata e dua na 24 000 poidi, Tiki ni keke! …well it is if you use your strategies, otherwise this could get very messy!


The Ceiling opens up & more blocks arrive!


Now you start the board with 30 moves and only three colours and what looks like a very limited board, work from the inside out. So in the case here on the left work your blue, yellow and then red, clearing these block sets should earn you enough points (or kudos) to fill your meter and spark up a firecracker (ah-ha moment!) and that is how you will smash the metal boxes out of the way.


So you will need four Firecrackers all up and the most efficient way to earn these is to hit the big combinations, the more blocks of the same colour cleared at a time will ultimately earn you more points. Once you have a firecracker on the board use it to take out a box under one of your fish. (they all should be one metal box away from the bottom anyway!)

Don’t go too fast on this level or you may find yourself running out of moves. Depending on what device or computer you are playing on it can take a little minute for the meter to collect and fill up with the floating sparkly stars that burst forth in celebration of you matching up some coloured blocks!…yeah seriously we get WE ARE AWESOMEnow pass me the firecracker already!
